Free Sharing Of Lead2pass Updated Microsoft MB6-869 VCE And PDF Dumps (21-30)

Many candidates attempt for MB6-869 whereas most of them face the problem of unavailability of quality in training matters. Luckily for all the Microsoft MB6-869 experts, Lead2pass is now here to help you with your IT certification problems, as we are the best MB6-869 actual tests exam questions training material providing vendor.

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, to which of the following security elements can you assign privileges? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    duties
B.    permissions
C.    policies
D.    roles

Answer: DA

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, which of the following are valid permission access levels? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    Check
B.    Correct
C.    Create
D.    Read
E.    Write

Answer: DCB

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, which of the following object types is an invalid entry point?

A.    Form
B.    Menu Item
C.    Service Operation
D.    Web Content Item

Answer: A

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, you set the Form data source AllowDelete property to No, and you set the AllowCreate and AllowEdit properties to Yes. What will the EffectiveAccess property be set to?

A.    Create
B.    Delete
C.    Read
D.    Update

Answer: D

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, to which base roles should every internal employee be assigned? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    Employee
B.    Guest
C.    Manager
D.    System user

Answer: DA

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, which security elements are grouped into process cycles?

A.    Duties
B.    Roles
C.    Permissions
D.    Privileges

Answer: A

Which of the following statements defines a constrained table within a Microsoft Dynamic AX 2012 security policy that has been defined by using the Extensible Data Security (XDS) framework?

A.    A constrained table determines how data is filtered.
B.    A constrained table returns data from the primary table.
C.    A constrained table holds data that has been filtered based on the policy.
D.    A constrained table controls the circumstances under which the policy is applied.

Answer: C

Which of the following statements about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 extensible data security framework is true?

A.    Security policies are automatically enforced in display and edit methods.
B.    Security policies are automatically enforced in the Application Object Server (AOS).
C.    Security policies are automatically enforced in Application Object Tree (AOT) forms only.
D.    System administrators create security policies and determine which tables the security policies will affect.

Answer: B

You are developing a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 class. When should you declare variables in a method?

A.    After the code.
B.    Before the code.
C.    Inline before the variables are used.
D.    It is not necessary to declare variables.

Answer: B

You are developing a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 class. You need to declare an integer array with a maximum length of 20 elements. Which syntax should you use?

A.    Int IntArrayName.20;
B.    Int IntArrayName(20);
C.    Int IntArrayName[20];
D.    Int IntArrayName[1] = 20;

Answer: C

Lead2pass give latest exam questions for MB6-869 lab certification and because of that, all of our candidates pass MB6-869 certification without any problem. The biggest feature is the regular update of these latest exam questions, which keeps our candidates’ knowledge up to date and ensures their success.