[OFFER] JUNOS AUTOMATION – This Week: Junos Automation Reference for SLAX 1.0

SLAX is a syntax overlay of the XSLT programming language. While XSLT is used internally by Junos to power its on-box scripting capabilities, it is not the most intuitive or efficient of languages, so SLAX was created to simplify on-box script programming and make it more comfortable to write. This reference guide provides descriptions and examples of all of the basic components of the SLAX language including its statements, operators, functions, elements, templates, and default parameters.

  • Contains all the boolean, comparison, mathematic, and other operators in the SLAX language, including those derived from XPath, those added to improve efficiency, and certain scenarios where the SLAX-specific operators are not supported.
  • Documents all of the functions that are available natively in SLAX 1.0, including those functions that come from XPath, XSLT, EXSLT, and Junos itself.
  • Details the XSLT elements and additional extension elements that might be needed within a Junos SLAX script.
  • Documents the templates that are available in the junos.xsl import file as well as the default global parameters.

(Change “hxxp” to “http”)  hxxp://www.juniper.net/us/en/community/junos/training-certification/day-one/automation-series/junos-automation-slax/