The routing engine on Junos routers performs many different functions, from processing routing protocol updates, to driving the command-line interface (CLI). Given that the routing engine is critical to the operation of the device and its network, you need to protect the routing engine from unwanted traffic by allowing only essential permitted traffic. Unwanted traffic can come in many different forms: malicious traffic seeking to gain unauthorized access, unintentional routing protocol updates from neighboring devices, or even legitimate traffic that exceeds a given bandwidth limit.
This Day One book shows you how to secure the routing engine step-by-step. Learn how, learn why, then follow along as you build a modular firewall filter and apply it.
“An indispensable resource for anyone who needs to protect their Internet connected routers.” Matt Hite, Network engineer, Zynga
JUNOS FUNDAMENTALS – Securing the Routing Engine on M, MX, and T Series eBook PDF Free Download
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